防静电门帘 基本特性: 防静电门帘采用软质塑料为基材制作而成。分为防静电PVC网格门帘、防静电PVC透明门帘、防静电PVC黑色网格门帘。它们是当前公认的隔绝系统,静电泄放能力强。具有耐重压、抗冲击、抗拉力、抗老化,柔软、耐酸碱、阻燃性强适应温差大等特点。起到防静电、保温、隔热、防尘、防蝇、降低噪音等作用。。
Basic properties: The basic material is soft plastic which is divided three kinds: ESD PVC gridding portiere, ESD clarity PVC portiere and ESD black PVC gridding portiere. They are recognized as isolated system at present and the property of releasing electric static is excellent. Strength resistance, impact and pull resistance, durable, soft, acid and alkali resistance, good burning resistance and adjustable to the changing temperature. Also, electric static protection, heat insulation, dustproof, flies defending, noise decreasing